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Re: Alternator blues
I had exactly the same symptoms on the way back from New Jersey last
weekend. (12-29) Since my wife and I like to drive fairly fast on the
highway, it was easy to keep the revs up close to 3K, which made the
voltage come up over 13 volts. It was not dark yet, so the lights
were not on. I pulled the alternator the next day, and found the
brushes were at the wear limit, so 2 bucks later, I had replacement brushes
and put the alternator back in (fingers crossed). Well, obviously that
was not the problem. On the road, I had guessed it was just a bad diode
(or winding), and that we'd be able to get home just fine, and that
is what it must have been. I wanted to take the thing apart and replace
the diode (if that is what it was), because the bearings were so damn
smooth, and there was no end-play. I was sure it would be a cheap repair, but
I was not able to get the alternator open. With my inspection appointment
the next day, I bought a rebuilt alternator (which fixed the problem!)
I could think of better ways to spend my x-mas vacation!