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Fwd: Direction for replacing mult functon switch

In a message dated 97-01-06 11:59:09 EST, QSHIPQ writes:

<< Subj:	Re: Direction for replacing mult functon switch
 Date:	97-01-06 11:59:09 EST
 To:	loren01@ix.netcom.com
 CC:	quattro@copimbra.ans.net (oops)
 In a message dated 97-01-06 11:41:00 EST, you write:
 << I looked through the archives but couldn't find directions for 
  replacing this. I understand its all of five minutes.  Do I need to be 
  concerned about spewing coolant?  Appreciate any directions and advise.
  89 200tqw
 Not necessary, you won't lose much coolant if you leave the cap on and do it
when the car is cold....  pull the Injector Fan hose off, the dipstick out...
  Pull the plug out of the bottom (it has two tabs) Then get a wrench (I use
a Large adjustable for removal) and loosen...  Make sure you have the flat
washer on the sensor you pulled, if it lodged into the hole, pry it out, the
new one will leak with two on there....  Put new one in, tighten very snug
(it tends to relax some when heat cycled)...  I use Channel Loks on install
with protective plastic on the sensor....  Plug in your wires, make sure the
boot is in correctly...  If you broke the tabs, don't worry, just about every
replaced sensor I've seen has broken tabs...  The boot holds in on well
enough....  Reinstall oil dipstick and fan hose
 Scott >>

Forwarded message:
Subj:    Re: Direction for replacing mult functon switch
Date:    97-01-06 11:59:09 EST
From:    QSHIPQ
To:      loren01@ix.netcom.com
CC:      quattro@copimbra.ans.net

In a message dated 97-01-06 11:41:00 EST, you write:

<< I looked through the archives but couldn't find directions for 
 replacing this. I understand its all of five minutes.  Do I need to be 
 concerned about spewing coolant?  Appreciate any directions and advise.
 89 200tqw
Not necessary, you won't lose much coolant if you leave the cap on and do it
when the car is cold....  pull the Injector Fan hose off, the dipstick out...
  Pull the plug out of the bottom (it has two tabs) Then get a wrench (I use
a Large adjustable for removal) and loosen...  Make sure you have the flat
washer on the sensor you pulled, if it lodged into the hole, pry it out, the
new one will leak with two on there....  Put new one in, tighten very snug
(it tends to relax some when heat cycled)...  I use Channel Loks on install
with protective plastic on the sensor....  Plug in your wires, make sure the
boot is in correctly...  If you broke the tabs, don't worry, just about every
replaced sensor I've seen has broken tabs...  The boot holds in on well
enough....  Reinstall oil dipstick and fan hose

