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Poor cold start/idle
My car has the idle stab. temp wire connected to a 1-wire
temperature _sender_ which looks like and shows about the
same resistance as the engine temp sender for the ECU.
One of these senders is mounted on the upper coolant hose
flange along with the turbo pump thermo switch and the
multi-temp sender. The other is mounted directly on the
side of the head a bit forward of this flange - near the
steering pump. The Bentley seems to suggest that this
forward mounted sender is the ECU temp source. On the
other hand, the only coolant flange mounted 1-wire device
the dealer shows is a sensor, not a switch.
The thermoswitch mounted directly on the side of the head a bit
forward of the upper coolant hose flange - near the steering pump
controls the idle stabilization system. To quickly determine if
this thermoswitch is bad, disconnect it and reconnect it to the
other thermoswitch near the upper coolant hose flange. Then
start your car, if it runs OK you'll know it was a bad
thermoswitch. I've been running my 5KCSTQ for two months with
the wire for the idle stabilization thermoswitch clipped to the
other thermoswitch on the upper coolant hose flange. I just
haven't had time to replace the bad thermoswitch but everything
seems to run OK.
Questions: is the idle stab. temp input supposed to be a temp
sender (variable resistance changes with temp) or a thermo
switch (on/off)?
My Bentley calls it a thermoswitch and gives the following
up to 68 F = 0 Ohms
above 104 F = infinity Ohms
if not, replace thermoswitch.
DeWitt Harrison de@aztek.com
Boulder, CO
88 5kcstq
Good luck and I hope it is as simple as just a switch.
'87 5KCSTQ
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Subject: Poor cold start/idle
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