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Re: Oil Filter Difference's, in general

At 08:26 PM 01/07/97 -0800, you wrote:

>Well Mike, maybe some our listers will put in a diesel filter in their Qs
>and save some money on those costly "synthetic" oil changes at $3-5 a qt.
>Lets add the numbers, our esteem listers like to change their "synthetic"
>at 3K so with a large filter (twice the one they are currently using) they
>can change their "synthetic" at 6K, what a great savings of our planet

FWIW, this lister changes his Amsoil synthetic at 12k mile intervals, with a
filter change (with a very high quality Amsoil oil filter) at 6k miles.
Never a problem. Been doing it for years.

And I'm being conservative!! Amsoil recommends/allows changes at 25k mile
intervals, with the filter change at 12.5k miles. I just can't convince
myself to let it go that long..... go ahead, call me a wimp!!! :-)

                             Jim Griffin
                        Maryland, USA
   "Perception is often stronger than reality!"
                               '92 100S