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Mud flaps

In message <30AE582B.MAI*/S=Klees/OU=NH01/OU=PAPY/PRMD=BASF/ADMD=TELEMAIL/C=US/@MHS> "Klees, Julia" writes:

> I would like to purchase mud flaps for my A4.

> For those who find use of mud flaps heresy, I drive a lot on back roads 
> (with sand and gravel treatment during the winter), and prefer to attempt to 
> preserve the paint on my car.

Mudflaps are mandatory in many Eastern Europe countries.

> Thanks,   J Klees   (kleesj@basf.com)

And one of the German companies most active in Eastern Europe is - BASF AG.

 Phil Payne
 Committee Member, UK Audi [ur-]quattro Owners Club