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Re: wobble . . .contains ALL! Audis

On Fri, 10 Jan 1997, Mike Arman wrote:

>Phil Payne asks "How much does the earth wobble in its orbit?" referring
>to the stability of Audi.

>In fact, it DOES wobble! Not sure how much, but enough to be mentioned
>in a not-terribly-arcane source - popular astronomy magazine or somesuch.
>Also, it isn't even precisely round (or spherical, actually) - off by
>about 13 miles! 

More of pear-shaped than round (why do I feel urge to put in a "No, not
you, dear" joke here? Brrrrrr...).

By the way, theoritically nothing travels in True Straight Line.
Everything Travels in Wobbles (oscillation), scientists say...

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