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RE: A4 Remote-lock transmitter security?

Car thieves here in the states have something a little more low-tech,
but just as effective. Its called a crowbar. This blunt instrument, in
addition to the fact that so many car alarms go off all the time that no
one pays any attention to, give thieves a tool as effective as a

If a professional thief wants to have you car (and I'm assuming only a
pro would use such a scanner), he will have it one way or another. Not
using the remote locking isint going to prevent you car from being
stolen if it its targeted. Remote locking is a nice feature and anyone
who dosent use it because they are paranoid of thieves is crazy. If they
were really concerned they would be spending money on a intelligent fuel
pump kill device, or other security feature that would strand thieves
after they have stolen the car.


>Here in England the radio transmitters are totally discredited. Car
>thieves commonly have "grabbers" which sample your radio keyfob when you
>lock the car. They can do this from the other side of the street, so you
>have no idea your security is compromised. They simply wait until you
>are out of sight, use the grabber to imitate your car keyfob transmitter
>and then hotwire as normal.
>To sample IR they have to stand in front of you, which is rather more