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A8 reconsidered

There was some lively discussion on the list last fall as the first A8s
began arriving Stateside regarding whether the design was too
conservative.  After walking around and around and sitting in an
exquistely black A8Q at my local dealer, I wrote that the design is a
bit conservative, but nevertheless is a lovely iteration of the Audi
design evolution.  Fast forward to I-95 south of Washington, DC.  I
recently had the pleasure of running at 75-90mph for an hour or so in
front of, behind and next to a silver A8Q.  As a result, I'm a little
surprised to find that my view of this aluminyacht has changed: I now
find it way too conservative, the rear/back deck treatment rather
banal.  (And, horror or horrors, the guy was driving with his lights on
altho it was midday.  I was too.)  Anyone else feel similarly -- or
differently -- about the A8 in-the-flesh now that we've lived with it
for a while?