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Re: Daytime Running Lights(Cdn)

On Fri, 10 Jan 1997, Psycho Bob wrote:

> >> Just wait till they save your life six times from bad drivers trying
> >> to pass on highways with rolling hills. I spent four years at 140k/kms
> >What I don't understand is this: are you trying to say that you will not 
> >be able to see a car on a clear day without its headlights on in time to 
> >stop?? You shouldn't be driving then.
> Actually, you're not far from the truth. I think I recently came by a
> survey that said 2 out of 5 people driving on the road cannot see around

Wow...Ive driven over a million miles in my short lifetime so far, and I 
have NEVER had an accident. Of any type. Ever. Nor have I ever had any 
chance of a head on. There have been close calls, usually to my own 
blame.  On the instances it would have been the other drivers fault, 
DRL's wouldnt have made a hoot of difference.
Ill agree, if you cant see another car on the road, then you shouldnt 
have your license.

my .02

Bob D'Amato SNET 300 George St. New Haven, CT 06510 203-771-7081
               Drive Safe, Drive Fast, Drive a Quattro