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Thud in the parking lot

In message <m0vjH3I-0008X0C@yage.tembel.org> shields@tembel.org (Michael Shields) writes:

> (catching up on old mail)

> Interestingly, Carroll Smith says that the nylon-locking nuts *can*
> be reused.  Bentley disagrees.  I'm not sure why.

Bentley disagrees because Bentley is a direct translation of the
German manual.  Audi AG says that all self-locking nuts and bolts must
be renewed whenever they are removed.  Period.  Capital letters.
"Unbedingt".  "Grundsaetzlich zu erneuern".  No argument.  During the
clutch master cylinder removal procedure for RHD cars, this comment
is repeated three times.

Good enough for me.  Anyone who's seen Ingolstadt, Neckarsulm and
Porsche Weissach will know that these guys know a bit about building
cars that belt up and down Autobahns day after day at 150+.  The last
thing I want, when I'm going round a corner with my family in the car,
is the brake pedal assembly or the steering column detaching itself
from the car.  The damn nuts are 60 cents each.

 Phil Payne

 Phone: +44 385302803  Fax: +44 1536723021  CIS: 100012,1660