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Help: Buying 1986 4kCSQ

About a week ago, I posted the OKC Audi listings from the paper.  Included
was the following car:

>**'86 4000CS Quattro, 5 cyl., 5 speed, AC, sunroof, loaded, exc. mech.
cond., >$2750 obo (405) 677-4500

I'm thinking of going to look at it this week and possibly replacing my 83
4000s4e with this one.  Can anyone please give me some tips to look for?
How do I insure the Quattro is operating properly?  Other suggestions?  I
called last week and the car has 130k miles, but it supposedly in great
shape.  Is this a good deal?

Thanks in advance for all your help.

Achille Riviello
83 4000s 4E, 200k+ miles,
96 A4Q, 3202 miles
HK P7M13
"In a world of compromise, some don't."--HK

Achille Riviello
tel: US(405) 329-1935