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re: Daytime Running Lights

-- [ From: human * EMC.Ver #2.5.02 ] --

>> but if getting their attention with my headlights gives me another 5%
margin of safety, I'll take it...

>Ah! Why settle for 5% increase in margin of safety, when you can settle for
200% (or more!) by petitioning change on what and how people need to do/pass
to get their driver's license?

Taking half the people off the road is a cute idea.  What are you going to
do about the destruction of our (consumer/cummuterbased) economy?

>What's next? Horns that will hunk every 5 seconds after poeple are pretty
much conditioned with these DRLs? And next? Government requires car
manufactuers to paint the car in neon, glow-in-the-dark paint? (Hmmm...
which I recall, that long time ago MB did found that orange-painted models
has the least accident rate of all car colors...)

Visibility, visibility, visibility.  Requiring it?  What about seat belts? 
Before they were mandatory the market did not offer the choice to allow the
"free market" to creat the demand.  What about disc brakes?  The market took
care of that one.  It takes a two pronged attack to deal with something as
complex as private automobiles on publicly owned roads.  Not much of it
lends itself to being dealt with by strict constitutional politics or
idealism.  Get *all* the cars off the road to save the planet!

>Why not go to the source of the problem -- namely, not letting "lamers" to
pass and hold driver's license -- and get it over with?

But who are they? Old slow people? Young crazy people? Tired people?  Middle
aged middle class guys in euro sedans who think we can drive like Mario A.? 
Like it or not the roads, like democracy will always include those one does
not consider fit to participate.  Want freedom?  Drive in the middle of the
night (like me - they're *my* roads!)

Heh heh.  I have more than once aborted a passing attempt because I've seen
the oncoming lights of a car I wouldn't have seen yet.  Eliminating another
chance to have cutting it close end my freedom and happiness in a horrible
scream of twisting metal and shattering glass.  Oooooh!

Of course here in New England winter consists of glare, twilight, and night

Huw Powell

HUMAN Speakers
