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re: Volvo 1800 list
>From: Shaun Mullen <smullen@philly.infi.net>
>Date: Mon, 13 Jan 1997 12:25:24 -0800
>Subject: Volvo P1800 list (No Audi content)
>Is anyone aware of a list for Volvo P1800E/ES owners or, failing that, a
>directory of lists by manufacturer and/or model? Pls reply directly to
There is a list for Volvo aficionados...did anyone wonder if I was going to
peep up? :)
Anyway, to join the list, send a message to:
and state:
subscribe swedishbricks
or subscribe swedishbricks-digest
There's a reasonable number of 1800 owners on the list, ranging from early
English built P1800s to the more recent fuel injected 1800E and ES...I've
owned four, a '62, '66 (my very first car), a '72 and a '72ES. Still miss
the '72. It was a sweet car.
Mandatory Audi content - had 15" wheels just like my 200 does :)
Lee Levitt
Director, Business Development, Software.com - http://www.software.com
webmaster, NeedhamOnline - http://www.needhamonline.com
1990 Audi 200T, 75K
1995 Range Rover County LWB, 42K
1987 Wicked Fat Chance, 1981 Condor