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Re: battery drain

I had one failed on me once and it's not a pretty sight. It looked like the 
engine blew up then followed by the sweet smell of coolant :) I would 
replace the radiator with a brass one, it actually cheaper than the oem 
plastic/aluminum ones. I paid under $200 for a brass one, I am not sure 
how well it hold up since I sold the car shortly after that.

Anthony Chan, First Hill, Seattle, WA, USA.
92' 100 V6 Tornado Red.

On Mon, 13 Jan 1997 AUDIDUDI@delphi.com wrote:

> Date: Mon, 13 Jan 1997 21:11:46 -0500 (EST)
> From: AUDIDUDI@delphi.com
> To: cyclops@mindlink.bc.ca, QUATTRO@coimbra.ans.net
> Subject: Re: battery drain
> > i'm left with a one inch stub with no raised portion to retain the clamped
> > hose. any body btdt?
> Yep ... Audi sells a repair kit for about $10 that includes a stub designed
> to fit inside the broken off piece and some epoxy to attach it.  That said,
> it's been my experience that once the stub breaks off, the radiator is soon
> to follow ... still, I keep one of the kits in my trunk for emergencies.
>      _             _             
>     / l       l o l  \       l o   Jeffrey Goggin
>    /__l l l / l l l  l l l / l l   AudiDudi@delphi.com
>   /   l l_l \_l l l__/ l_l \_l l   http://people.delphi.com/AudiDudi            