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S1 or Group B Rally Car Pictures for Model Maker ...

I got a call from someone last night that is interested in making a resin
body kit for either the Group B Rally Quattro or the Quattro Sport S1.  He
is interested in getting as many photographs as possible (front, rear, side,
quarter shots) to allow him to build a resin body kit that could be used 
with the Tamiya urQ kit to make a complete model.  It turns out that I have
a pretty good selection of pictures to choose from (Lewandowski book, '86 &
'87 Audi rally calendars, Brooklands Gold Portfolio of Audi Quattro) but I 
thought I'd let you all know to see if there are any other sources I could 
tap to get good examples for him ... I suppose I could even snag some shots
from webpages too ...

Any opinions as to which model he should do?

I have no financial interest in this project, other than he will pay my costs
for the photos, and I wanted to add that it is probably best to send direct 
e-mail replies to me rather than cluttering the q-list.  

Steve Buchholz
San Jose, CA (USA)