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RE: Making Audi a Player
Bravo Bruce!! I had the exact same thing happen to me at Dick Donnelly
in Reno. I was looking at an A4Q and the salesmen tried to sell me a
d&*n Lincoln!! I said why, and he said "because it's American." I told
him that was the wrong answer, and left.
Dick Donnelly in Reno does not advertise at all for Audis. He pushes
his s*&t box Isuzu Rodeos, Suzuki beer cans, and Lincoln town tanks. I
have heard only one ad where he even mentions the Audi and all he says
in the ad is "We have Audi at Dick Donnelly." Audi is not at all happy
with the job he has been doing and would love to give the franchise to
someone else, but no one will take it. My Dad who has run several Audi
and Porsche dealerships across the country has asked them about this,
and if my Dad can get some financial backing from an interested party,
he would be happy to run the dealership for them.
The general idea that my dad had given to Audi would be to start a
dealership to sell Audi and HUMMER (very high demand here) exclusively.
If anyone out there wants to get an Audi dealership, here's your chance.
You would easily be selling the highest number of quattros in the
nation. The largest amount of Porsches and Audis in the country is
right here in Incline Village, Nevada (Lake Tahoe) which is an EXTREMELY
large market (and I might add the wealthiest town in Nevada).
Anyone interested?
Best Regards,
Mark Nelson
Incline Village, Nevada
'87 5KTQ
'91 CQ