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Re: Banged up 90

Rob....Check your catalytic converter for dents/scratches or evidence of
damage. The shield surrounding it will probably give evidence of damage to
the honeycomb inside. Demand replacement, because it may be cracked inside.
The accident seems to have involved the underside of your car, so personally
get out and get under... also check for bent/misaligned drive lines, crimped
fuel and brake regulator and lines, and damage to hangers of exhaust system.
Do the doors still operate like they did before the accident? Might indicate
some body warp.


At 03:28 PM 1/14/97 EDT, you wrote:
>Great snow/ice storm here in Texas caused me to slide off the road and
>into a ditch with my 90.  Not to seriously mashed up, front and rear
>bumpers only really damged.  Front one was cracked up pretty bad, lost
>both fog lights.  Rear one not cracked up but not in it's right place.
>Since the insurance company will be paying for repair (I'm gonna
>take it to the dealer) I'd like any other advice I should have done,
>checked out, or fixed on my car.  I pretty much bottomed it out and the front
>end at it's final resting place was in dirt,  the bumper for the
>rear was pretty much holding part of the car up as the wheels weren't touching
>ground.  I might as well get an alignment and any bent rims fixed while it
>is there and someone else is paying for it.  I will need new front and
>and maybe rear bumpers.  Any advice would be appreciated.  This is the
>first time ever smacking up a car for me so this will be a new experience.