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Re: SAMCO blue silicone hoses

On Wed, 15 Jan 1997 Nivi@aol.com wrote:

> >Got my 1997 catalog from Pegasus Auto Racing Supplies yesterday
> >(800) 688 6946, and I saw that they have a full selection of
> >the SAMCO High Performance Blue Silicone Hoses, rated for
> >- -50c to 200c, and 73psi boost.
> >
> >I am not sure how much TAP charges for these hoses, or if
> >they have them specially configured or what.

TAP's hose is a special piece.  2.5" on teh intercooler end, and 3" on 
the throttlebody end.  They also haev a model with a spigot that can 
accept a bypass valve.

> Excuse my ignorance here, but how do these blue silicone hoses compare to
> "stock" Audi hoses *and* to other "performance" models, such as Chevy's
> kevlar reinforced (green color) hoses in their police package Caprices?
> Anyone care to comment? Graydon? (the real one)  :-)

This is the real Graydon here...  The blue hose appears to be superior to 
the stock hose, and if the 73psi claim is true, then it is even better 
than my 3" hose.  I haven't checked out Pegasus' new catalogue yet.  To 
be honest, TAP's custom hose is one trick piece.  That's what I would buy 
if I hadn't already bought the 3" hose that I have been selling some of 
you guys.  Of course, if you choose not to afford the $110.00, then I'd 
be glad to sell you my hose.  :-)

Later, ---------------------------------------------------------- 
Graydon D. Stuckey 	'85 Mazda RX7 GS, no toys 
graydon@apollo.gmi.edu 	'86 Audi 5000 CS Turbo Quattro, has toys
Flint, Michigan USA	'89 Thunderbird SC, lotsa toys