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RE: Explaning Chip Mods

many of the ECUs he has modified again are from 20v turbo  cars ('91
200q/S4/S6.  These cars are less amenable to the analog techniques used on
the earlier cars, tougher to figure out--chalk it up to "that's what Ned drives"

On the back of his EPROM burner are the TAP stickers from the chips he has
redone--kinda like "kills" painted on the nose of a fighter.  I saw about a
dozen stickers there last summer, but I think there were more, 'cause some
looked like they were doubled up (had he covered the whole back, he'd seal
up the battery cover, too)

and why wouldn't he charge full-boat on his mods?  he didn't receive
anything from Ivor!  Ned also related a story about tracing out a problem
with a modified computer done by yet another party (neither SC nor TAP).
computer didn't work.  after some checking, Ned found a cracked PCB due to
someone using a screwdriver as a pry tool to remove the original EPROM.
needless to say, that customer had to buy a new computer (and I believe
sprung for Ned's chip, too).

At 09:51 AM 1/11/97 -0700, Southerlin, Russ S wrote:
>I just remembered another interesting point that Ned mentioned to me
>when I talked him about one mounth ago about chip mods (see my
>previous comments to list). He said that he has been doing his mod on
>some TAP chips that people have purchased and not been happy with!!!
>Said he had done 2 the week I talked to him!!!  I then commented that
>going this route could be expensive and he agreed that they weren't
>real happy about paying out that much money. He did not give me any
>specifics as to what the car models were but it sounded like he was
>charging his full price on top of what they had already spent.  Maybe
>someone on the list can give him a call and get some specifics
>although I think he is out of the country for a couple of weeks. 
* linus toy                       email:  linust@mindspring.com      *
* mercer island, wa      *** note new domain *** ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^      *
*                                                                    *
*             The obscure we eventually see,                         *
*             the completely obvious, it seems, takes longer.        *
*                               - Edward R. Murrow                   *