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Xenon lamps

As a point of interest, the 75W ILC xenon arc lamp with internal 
parabolic reflector will project about 50,000 peak beam candlepower 
into a 7 degree beam.  With an aiming system like that on the late, 
lamented Tucker, one would be ready for bear (or deer, moose, caribou, 
kangaroos, armadillos, etc.)  OTOH, the return from road 
retroreflectors might destroy the down-range contrast enhancement 

***                 ...Kirby    (Kirby A. Smith)                 ***
***              ksmith1@mailgw.sanders.lockheed.com             ***
***              [=]   kirby.a.smith@lmco.com                    ***
***  Opinions expressed herein are entirely those of the author. ***