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> From: Andreas Meyer <meyer@hpanix.an.hp.com>

> I looked through the archive and saw
> some of the same horror stories that I heard of before,
> i.e. Audi slushboxes don't seem to last very long and are
> VERY expensive to fix. [snip] What experiences do other
> people out there have and how much can I expect to spend
> on having the tranny rebuilt in case it does go south?
> Also which one is better, more reliable, cheaper to fix:
> the 3 speed or the 4 speed?

If you have the choice, go with the 4-speed auto.  The 3-speed has a 
known weakness in the reverse seal, and is expensive to fox.  I spent 
$1500 and got a real deal.  Many shops won't work on them (not 
because they're any different from the 3-speed VW tranny, which is 
exactly what they are, but because Audi owners tend to be incredibly 
anal about these repairs...this direct from my friendly tranny 

So if I had the choice and HAD to buy an automatic, I'd buy one later 
than 1991.

Al Powell, Ph.D.                 Voice:  409/845-2807
107 Reed McDonald Bldg.          Fax:    409/862-1202
College Station, TX 77843      