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4kq & tqc heater core procedure
>My 4KCSQ is having some heater problems. I've had the car
>about one month now and the heat has always been a little
>anemic. Now it's colder in the east, and I want to fix it.
>A new heater core is cheap, but what's involved it getting
>to it. I'm Bentley-less for a little while longer, but my
>feet are freezing. Any help would be appreciated.
>Regards, Jeffrey Smethers
>'84 318i
>'86 4000CS Quattro
The job isn't horrible, took me a few hours in a warm shop.
Kinda annoying if your AC works and you want to keep it.
Only a little less so otherwise. Basically, the song and
dance goes like this:
1) remove glovebox
2) remove four screws holding airbox cover from plenum area
(HAVE A NEW GASKET or that gasket putty material!)
3) evacuate a charged AC system (you might be able to avoid
this step if you can move the evaporator and get enough
clearance to R/R heater core)
4) remove remaining two screws holding evaporator to plenum
area. See how much clearance you can get in regards to
where the heater core will have to slide out. If you
can't get enough room, seperate the two AC lines and move
evaporator aside. Be careful/avoid damaging the probe
that is inserted into the evaporator.
5) Clamp the coolant feed/return lines in the engine bay.
Consider replacing the heater valve at this time as well.
They are cheap and known to break occassionally. This is
also the easiest time to replace the heater core coolant
hoses... just a thought.
6) Seperate the coolant lines from the heater core. Be
prepared to mop up the coolant that WILL spill out. You
may want to have several rags underneath/around the core
when you seperate it.
7) And of course, installation is the reverse of removal ;^)
Replace the gasket on the airbox cover to prevent cabin
leaks. And if you plan on removing your AC, get a new
grommet to replace the one the AC lines pass through at
the firewall. Otherwise, connect and recharge your AC.
See, it's so easy, there isn't even a 12 step program for
heater core swaps...
-Stott Hare
'84 4Ksq (black _& blue_, have turbo, waiting to install)
Biddeford, Maine
Work: where you can find me far to often
On the road: where I'd rather be...