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STEADIRIC@aol.com -- Vendor Info
The dealings I have had with Eric regarding suspension parts, a
transmission for a 5k, 02 sensor, plug wires, IC hose, dimmer switch,
tires, euro lights, exhaust, etc., have shown me two things: (1) When I
paid him for parts I got exactly what I ordered; (2) All parts were
received earlier than the date I was told to expect them. This was not a
one time purchase, but in fact, probably 6 - 7 different dates.
On one occasion that I can recall, I paged him with a problem on
a part I had bought from a 3rd party--whom Eric referred me to. Turned
out, he was on a set doing his full-time job in California. Problem was
fixed 15 minutes later. Don't know that I ever thanked him for taking
the time to help. Guess maybe I'm doing it now.