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Re: Squeaky brakes on 97 A4Q 1.8T

In article <199701171551.KAA09959@coimbra.ans.net> you write:
>It's a "feature" not a "problem".  :-)
>At 10:32 AM 1/17/97 -0500, you wrote:
>>     Wondering if brake squeak is a common problem on 96-97 A4's. I've had 
>>     it on my 97 A4Q since day 1. I was going to wait till the brake pads
>>     wore in better before complaining to the dealer; but from what I've 
>>     been reading other A4 owners are also experiencing the problem.

Have you guys tried "bedding in" the pads?  When I picked up the A4, the
dealer told me to use the brakes harder than usual during the break-in
period.  Squeaking brakes is often a sign of pads that have not been
properly bedded in.  The procedure depends on the pads (Repco MetalMasters
are different, but I don't remember how), but typically for organic
pads something like the following will do:

  Drive and get the pads up to normal operating temp gradually.
  Take 4 to 6 stop-and-go runs from 40 to 60MPH, braking hard to stop.
  Let the pads completely cool.

I used to have some roads in a development that they had stopped
work on about a mile from my house.  I'd usually go there, and do the
runs. then drive back home and let it sit overnight.

Cured the squeaks on some cheap pads I had on one car, and another car
that I put new pads on never squeaked -- I did that very shortly after
installing them.

 I used to think that the brain was the most wonderful organ in
 my body.  Then I realized who was telling me this.  -- Emo Phillips
Sean Reifschneider, Inimitably Superfluous <jafo@tummy.com>
URL: <http://www.tummy.com/xvscan> HP-UX/Linux/FreeBSD/BSDOS scanning software.