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Amber lense source - A6
I'm looking for one of our UK listers willing to call an Audi dealer over
there to see how much the rear amber blinker lenses cost for the A6 Wagon
(Avant). I believe they are the exact same as the Sedans. I *assume*
Audis come properly equipped across the pond with amber rear blinkers
anyway - in fact I think it is an MOT law. Not sure why Audi US would spec
red rear blinkers, unless it's to attract domestic buyers with that zippy
all-one-piece taillamp look. I prefer the
keep-me-and-my-family-all-in-one-piece look of an amber blinker so the
driver of the logging truck behind me connects the right synapses a little
earlier (Grrrrrr).
I just ran out to the garage, and mentally quadrupled the expected price -
the lenses are not separate, but bonded to the entire blinker lense and
housing assembly (hand wringing and remembering when I tried this with our
Anyhow, thanks in advance for the price check....
Doug Miller