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Re: BRA FOR A4? Whine at high speed?

>>>>> "Shawn" == pk001c  <pk001c@uhura.cc.rochester.edu> writes:

    Shawn> Hello, I was wondering if anyone knew of any bras made for
    Shawn> a 97 A4.  My car is pearl and with 3 k miles it allreday
    Shawn> got two chips!  I want to stop this.  By the way, what are
    Shawn> soem precasutions to prevent other types of pain damage
    Shawn> when using a bra?  I only plan to use it on trips on
    Shawn> higways etc.

My dealer quoted me one for $140USD. What's an average price for a
Bra? I've seen this one on another a4, just in passing I saw "A4"
printed in white.

- Bob