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Re: Synthetic ATF

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<huge clip because caint spell chartreuse>>>>>>>>>>> 
> You POOR baby!!!!  You mean all you have to do is sit there with a 
> Red Hook in hand and watch the rain clouds drift by the island on 
> those long weekends.  My heart pumps peanut butter for you.....
Terrible. Of course gotta clean salmon once in a while and split 
oysters to go with the Red Hook.  And of course wash the Audi once in 
a while.  
> > And if the house slides off'n this damned hill into the f'n ocean I'm 
> > gonna be upset. 
> OOOOOPS.  Nothing counts like building on bedrock, duzzit??
Yep -- in fact tomorrow I'm gonna take my parachute off! Damn eagles 
sure spoil the view though.