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Netiquette and Untrimmed Posts

I agree that the bitching must stop, but what also must stop is the huge
amount of UNTRIMMED POSTS.  I am sick of digests that are nothing but
repeats of previous messages because people are too lazy to trim their
posts.  I recently mailed a fellow Q-Lister a request to stop doing this
(as every one of his posts include the full, unedited original post as
well), and he said I was "harassing" him.  Give me a break.

I wonder how people that pay for hourly access feel when they get bilked
for download times because of this crap?  I love searching the archives
to find redundant posts full of unedited replies.  Laziness or
ignorance?  Can't trim?  Then ask someone.  Too lazy?  Don't post then. 
Think the original post is so relevant that it must be reposted in its
entirety?  Think again.  This is what subject lines are for, as if you
might not already know that.

For example, look at the following unedited post (names removed) that
could have been trimmed so as not to include the original post, or
better yet, sent via private e-mail:

********************REPLY MESSAGE WITH ORIGINAL BELOW*****************

>>I wonder how my Tornado Red 92' 100 V6 would look like with the
>>amber signal light. At least in my case the red signal lights look
>>pretty nice on my 100 since the car is red, it kind of have the same
>>effect like black-out or smoked taillight on a black car. 

*************************ORIGINAL MESSAGE BELOW***********************

>On Sun, 19 Jan 1997, ************ wrote:
>Date: Sun, 19 Jan 1997 21:19:39 -0800
>From: ******************************
>To: quattro@coimbra.ans.net
>Subject: Amber lense source - A6
>I'm looking for one of our UK listers willing to call an Audi dealer
>over there to see how much the rear amber blinker lenses cost for the
>A6 Wagon (Avant).  I believe they are the exact same as the Sedans. 
>I *assume* Audis come properly equipped across the pond with amber
>rear blinkers anyway - in fact I think it is an MOT law.  Not sure
>why Audi US would spec red rear blinkers, unless it's to attract
>domestic buyers with that zippy all-one-piece taillamp look.  I
>prefer the keep-me-and-my-family-all-in-one-piece look of an amber 
>blinker so the driver of the logging truck behind me connects the
>right synapses a little earlier (Grrrrrr).
>I just ran out to the garage, and mentally quadrupled the expected
>price - the lenses are not separate, but bonded to the entire blinker
>lense and housing assembly (hand wringing and remembering when I
>tried this with our Montero)
>Anyhow, thanks in advance for the price check....

Please stop this nonsense.  Nobody wants to have the Internet as a whole
slowed down by this crap.
