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Re: 4KCSQ: Stock springs

-- [ From: human * EMC.Ver #2.5.02 ] --

>Also, how bad is it to replace the hood release cable?  Mine broke at the
handle and a new one (handle and cable) is on the way.

That should be very easy.  the new cable slides right through the old jacket
, or if replacing the jacket as well, chase the old one through with the new
one - with the cable going through the joint.  In that case there is a clip
or two to undo.  Then set up the golf tees (what I call them) in the release
levers and clamp the cable nut on the end with the slack pulled out of the
cable.  Test for proper motion of both release levers before shutting the
hood.  There may need to be some tension on them at rest for this to occur. 
have fun!
Huw Powell

HUMAN Speakers


I'd like to open my head and let out all of my time,
But the ocean doesn't want me today...

Tom Waits