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Re: 36 hours with our A4 (we got it!) (semi-LONG)
On Jan 20, 7:24pm, Ti Kan wrote:
> Subject: Re: 36 hours with our A4 (we got it!) (semi-LONG)
> Gregory C. Heidt writes:
> > he found out that the Alpine 601 six disc changer is the exact
> > same changer that Audi uses. BUT, the connector on the back is
> > different. So, he said I need the adapter to connect to the
> > factory prewire.
> The difference between the standard Alpine CD changer and the Audi
> unit is not only in the connector style, but also in the control
> protocol between the head unit and the changer. A proper "adapter"
> involves some fancy electronics to convert the protocol as well.
> That "adapter" is not going to be a cheap item.
Nicely said, Ti! Just wanted to add one thing. While Gregory's
electronics dealer told him that the adapter would be available
in the spring, I'm not holding my breath. Gregory, check the
quattro list archives on this. I contacted the company that is
developing the adapter a year ago. They were promising that the
product would hit the streets in spring '96. The last I contacted
them, in June, they were saying that it'd be there by the end
of July. I know others have called since then, and my understanding
is that they've stopped talking to people about it. For what
it's worth.
Dan Masi
'96 A4Q