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Solved: Wiper System shorted ['91 CoupeQ]

Turns out that the wiper motor over-centered itself when it parked, 
the common making contact with both poles of the park switch assembley.

The fix was to go to the local boneyard and cut the wiper motor cable & 
connector off a dead 200, and use it to energize the stuck motor. Time will
tell if this happens again - out comes the motor.

Thanks to all virtual assistants.

Jon Sala 
Clinical Engineering			jsala@skynet.uah.ualberta.ca
Walter McKenzie Centre 0D1.00		http://skynet.uah.ualberta.ca
University of Alberta Hospitals 	(403) 492-6711
Capital Health Authority
8440 112 Street
Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA T6G-2B7