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Alldata CD's
- To: QUATTRO@coimbra.ans.net
- Subject: Alldata CD's
- From: RUTLEDGE_R@a1.wdc.com
- Date: Tue, 21 Jan 1997 13:36:00 -0800 (PST)
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- MR-Received: by mta WDUS04; Relayed; Tue, 21 Jan 1997 13:54:33 -0800
- Posting-date: Tue, 21 Jan 1997 13:51:00 -0800 (PST)
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- Sender: owner-quattro@coimbra.ans.net
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I just finally subscribed to quattro, so I'm new.
With regards to Alldata CD's, I have the following experience/opinions:
1. I have 86 CGT, KX motor, digital instrument cluster, built 1/86.
2. I bought the Alldata CDs to get the Technical Service Bulletins
(TSB) as Audi only released the digital instrument cluster
repair/troubleshooting information as a TSB.
This alone justified the $24.95 price.
3. I was pleased to find valuable TSB info/drawings on the
following problems I have had:
a. Dynamic Oil Pressure System - Troubleshooting tips
b. Stabilant22A - Electrical Contact Enhancer
c. Clutch - noisy when depressed - cluth release bearing
d. Front seatcover - leather - unsatisfactory appearnce
e. Engine Compartment Aerosol Spray-Undercoat
f. Idle Stabilizer - irregular/improper idle (<3/86)
g. Valve Cover Gasket - Leaking - (<3/86)
h. Fuse/Relay Panell cover - proper installation
4. Given my pleasent surprise with the TSBs, I ordered the
repair info too. This was a WASTE of $19.95. The Bentley
manuals are 1000X better.
5. If you want to buy, first do the check of the TSB topics
off the Alldata website. If they appear of interest too
you spend the $24.95. If not, stick to the Bentley manuals.
Rich Rutledge
Irvine, CA
86 CGT