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Re: Headlights,Headlights

>and this material was used in the 4K and 5K
>models at least through 1988 to comply with antiquated DOT requirements.
>even if you stick 1000W in one of these units, you wont see any better
The above is "more or less" what I have been trying to explain all along
and it is not as simple as "more watt more light", sometimes ""more watt is
less light in the right place" also the examples I was given were totally
irrelevant to the headlight discussion. Please remember that there is no
such thing as "physics is physics" there are many factors involved not just
Still love everybody including the ones that call me names,
Avi Meron
86 5Kcstq
I am not always the devil advocate but never one to miss a chance.........