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Re: DE definition - cut and paste exercise

Should have had coffee first, here's the scoop.....
n a message dated 97-01-22 08:12:44 EST, QSHIPQ writes:
Original post:  
*  DE Projection type light (DE)  Uses reflector, filter and lense to produce
more power and control with a smaller physical aperature.  Advantage:  No
Stray Light
Then pre caffine, wrote this correction
<< DE Projection type light -  The definition should read:  Uses 2 reflectors
 and lense to control light, I wrote "reflector and filter", which by
 definition are the same thing.
  >>  ****THIS IS ALSO INCORRECT ******
... I wrote "LENSE AND FILTER, which by definition, are the same thing....
 Sorry if this confused anyone....
You can cut and paste this, hope it helps  ***** THIS IS CORRECT******:

*  DE Projection type Light (DE) - Uses 2 reflectors and lense/s to produce
more power and control with a smaller physical aperature.  Advantage:  No
Stray Light 
Bulb:  IC, H, XSM
