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RE: Possible 91 200q purchase; questions

Look for the same things, basically. Steering rack, electrical issues

Additionally, does the car have internal caliper brakes (UFO brakes)? If
there's something like a dust shield just inside the front wheels on
both sides, it does. Make sure they're not warped or if they are, that
they've been replaced by an Audi dealership with Audi parts in the last
12 months or 12,000 miles (in which case they're under Audi's warranty).
Some people like UFOs (I do) and some don't. The drawbacks are no (or
very few) aftermarket sources for pads and rotors, they tend to warp and
they're expensive. Oh, and it's hard to find wheels to fit over them.
The big benefit is that they're huge! The swept area is very large for a
15" wheel and they stop the car very well. One list member has pointed
out that his chipped-to-275hp 200q(which has been retrofitted to regular
(smaller) front brakes) feels underbraked now. I don't expect anything
like that from my car with UFOs and certainly not with the new custom

That also partially answers your question about upgrades. The 3B (20v)
engine's ECU is much smarter than the older engines' and will not allow
you the cheap spring mod. However, it responds well to chip upgrades and
Ned Ritchie at Intended Acceleration has a nice menu of things from
which to choose. It's easy to get ~275hp for $800-1000 from Ned and he's
currently extracting 400+hp from his own 3B engine. Others do mods as
well (TAP and Hoppen).

Good luck.
- peter
  peterhe@microsoft.com - http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/1001
  91 200qw
  94 acura legend gs
  issaquah, wa, usa

>-----Original Message-----
>From:	ameco@map.com [SMTP:ameco@map.com]
>Sent:	Wednesday, January 22, 1997 9:22 AM
>To:	quattro@coimbra.ans.net
>Subject:	Possible 91 200q purchase; questions
>There is a 91 200q for sale here in western mass.Pearl
>what should I be looking for. I know on my 89 and the MC cars there was 
>hydraulic issues, rear calipers, racks and you know that other stuff.
>Since I never thought I would have a 20V I never paid much attention to
>any posts. So what should I be looking for.
>Also what about boost mods????