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I drove a legacy wagon the other day, it was less than ideal compared to my
11-year old Audi. I stuffed it into a low-speed but sharp corner, the body
rolled horrendously and it basically just felt lousy.
On the other hand, I rented an Outback for three days last week while on
business and... liked it! The body roll was way less, handling felt solid
and it did well in the snow. I drove it hard for me (car rented -:) ) and
it really actually did better than an other car I've rented lately,
including Neon Sport, etc (OK, not as good as a Euro version Mazda I
rented in Frankfurt, but pretty good) I'd written off buying a Subaru as a
replaement for my wife's, but maybe not so sure now. You can buy an outback
here in Colorado for about $20K.
I've also driven Cherokees, but they just seem so ponderous, and that's
froms someone who's owned three V6 pickup trucks of various varieties. I'm
no expert, but that Sub. did seem to have some pretty good qualities, and
tons of room inside. I'm also looking at V6 Passat Wagons, as the Audi
Wagon is just too much $ for my budget, and I'm not willing to do the work
on an old Audi Q wagon (My 86 4KQ with 85K is my all-time favorite car, but
it EATS money compared to any Japanese vehicle I've owned. I couldn't
afford to own too like that).
No real point here, just a few thoughts on the Subaru as I wrestle with
what to buy for the wife/weekend road trip vehicle.....
Thanks also to all the people who have helped me out with various Q
problems over the last six months. Now if I could only get the Power
Mirrors to work (new switch works worse than the old one!...)/
Walking the wire is living. The rest is just waiting.
-Waldena, great flying.
-Will Gadd