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VWqs Experts?4kq v VWqs suspension

Have seen a number of ?'s raised about Quantum Synchros...but too few
answers IMO.  Anyone know anything about these? ;-)
Try this:  Explain the difference between 4kcsq suspension and VW qs
suspension.  Have been told that the rear works are different (which
only makes sense as VW is a wagon).  Am looking to replace / upgrade
entire suspension (shocks, struts, bushings, arms?, ball joints) for
my 86.5' and could definitely use any suggestions. 
Most seem to suggest Boge Turbo for the 4kcsq setup, but local
Audi/VW place wasn't sure if same upgrades were available for the

86.5' VW Qtm Syn
98' A4tqw -OR- 99 VW Pst Syn

P.S.  Many did help with the rear "triangle storage" area ? (although
I'm still not wholly convinced) so thanks QL.

P.S.S. Sorry for the 84 GL5 person, mine has zippo power anything, so
I cant help with that one!!