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Recommendations for '90 90 muffler replacement?

Sure sounds like my front muffler is going out on the 90....which of course
is the harder one to replace!
So, can anyone recommend a replacement brand that isn't expensive--i'm not
looking for a sport muffler since the 90 will hopefully be for sale in early
1998 to help me buy an A4.


                    /\        _I             Christian J. Long
                  /    \ I_I I_I I           Orlando, Florida, USA
                                             University of Central Florida
Class of 1994
1990 Coupe Quattro    Red/Black, K&N cone, BBS wheels, 80K          
1990 90                     Gold/Tan, 70K, LOOKING FOR REAR WING SPOILER
Past Audis:
'80 5KT  '84 Coupe GT  '85 Coupe GT  '87 Coupe GT2.3  '875KCST(was Dad's)  