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Dead Horses

Please be advised that I consider the posts on lighting to this list dead.  A
member of this list seems to want to muddy the waters, and disrupt quests for
the facts.  So be it, the loss of availble information hardly mine as the
file thickens.  For those interested in exploring available technologies,
facts and following upgrades and tweeks can privately post me.  As Huw once
put it in a post to me, "signal can become noise quickly," well lets unplug
the radio.  My motivation is signal, others noise.  So be the open forum in
which we prose. 

This list, by definition, Dan's in fact, is unmoderated.  I parphrase "One
has a right to post whatever, and it is documented and author copywrited, all
posts available for others to see."  The first part in reference to this
subject has been certainly addressed, though my assumption is always the
second part being a protection from abusing the first.  Not so the case here.
 To avoid anymore trying of Dan's patience to the Rules of Engagement (self
rule), the lighting thread to the list from this author is now dead.

My posts are documented here with the intentions of sharing information I
have learned on q related topics, to get as much input as possible to correct
my errors and omissions.  However, my background includes statistical
analysis and 21 years with dad, Yale Professor (the late John W., ex dean of
Engineering: Yale and UofF) who really taught me to question everything
"experts" stated, it was his way.  Learn from the exercise and your desire
for knowledge.  Work and in q's, it's my job and my passion, the latter
documented here for 3 years.

Watching this particular thread with some interest, the noise here sometimes
becomes deafening, facts buried amongst the "ruined."  Unfortunately for me,
prose is harder to convey my messge in context, it tends to invoke the rising
of ego, not my quest, nor intention.   I don't appreciate wasted bandwidth,
when the summary could be a page.  The antethis are one liner posts that also
waste bandwidth, and frustrate any who have tried a search engine on posts.
 I do put my balls on the line here.  The reality of awd post comes to mind.
 Willing to discuss the specifics of the conclusions I draw with anyone,
trying to keep ego at bay.  Wrong, buzzers, slams, and resume recitals really
prevents the intimidated from any desire to share information, the fear of
slams ever present.  Information stifled in deference to ego.  Not a great
future in this direction, I see it all the time on some other lists, not

Knowledge is a powerful tool, you can build something with it, or destroy
with it.  I propose the former, the latter a dark trait of ego.  

my .02, arbitraged thru the peso

Scott Justusson