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RE: Steering Wheel Squeak

Kerry Leeds had written:
>My steering wheel/steering column in my 91 200tq is emitting 
>an annoying squeak when I turn the wheel. Anybody know if I 
>can just spray something in there?

I agree with other posters that it's probably the horn button 
contact ring and wiper.  On mine I found that it was accumulation
of dust & grit that caused the squeak.  My solution was just to get 
a piece of cloth, hold it taut and ease it between the wiper and 
the ring and pull it to & fro to clean out the grunge.  Had to
repeat this periodically (every year or two).  Note: one time I 
found a grain of sand or something had gouged the ring 
slightly, and had to use some 600-grade wet & dry and repolish 
the ring to stop the squeak.

-Mark Quinn