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Re: Garage/Mechanic recommendation

>   With this service testimonial from Peter below, in addition to the parts and 
>service myself, Mike D., Shef C., Glen P. and others have received with great 
>satifaction - perhaps we should add Autobahn Motors of NH to the vendors list, 
>and Chris/Autobahn to the mechanics list...
>Just my tired brain thinking...
>-Stott Hare   (YES, STOTT!)

Hi Dan,

	I second Stott's motion to add Autobahn and Bro' Chris to their
respective lists:-) A fine group to do business with...and have some fun at the
same time.

						Happy motoring,


 0                                                                            5
 0                               Shef Corey                                   0
 0                    Ocean Mapping Development Center                        0
 C                    Graduate School of Oceanography                         0
 S                       University of Rhode Island                           C
 Q                          Tele.: 401-874-6879                               S
 U                     E-mail: shef@omdc.gso.uri.edu                          Q
 A                              QCUSA: #1857                                  U
 T                                                                            A
 T             QUATTRO: the way to GO when the road says NO!!                 T
 O                                                                            T