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Re: Bentley Manual

Jonathan Monetti wrote:
> I wanted to ask--I bought the Bentley Manual, and incomparing it to the RB for my old
> 85 Scirocco, found the Audi manual *much* more cryptic.  The VW RB has all info I
> could need, but is writtin in plain english and laid out clearly.  The Audi manual,
> well...
> Does anyone know of a more concise manual for troubleshooting purposes?

I am afraid there is none. Hayens is mediocre at best, Chilton simply

The Bentley for my 200 is a 3 volume set, with the whole of 3rd volume
being just the electrical schematic!
It is indeed rather complex.
OTOH, the Bentley for my wife's Fox is just 1 volume, and it is very

I guess it has something to do with an enormous complexity of a 200TQ
and a downright simplicity of the Fox.


Igor Kessel