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Re: Butane lighters unite

>Eric, you work with a Steadicam? Sinema Products is my customer. My
>toroidal 0728-1010 tilt sensor makes the Steadicam such a steady camera.
>Hmm, such a small world...

Actually that sensor only provide's the signal for the level dispaly on 
the monitor and has nothing to do with the Steadyness (It's all physics 
nothing mechanical).  I have my on screen level turned off because it's 
Way too annoying (I also use a PRO sled which has been extensivly rebuilt 
with carbon fiber,  which is not built by Cinema Product's so it does not 
use your sensor.).  Few of the really good operators use it.  I will say 
though since they went to the new sensor it's MUCH better.  You should 
check out the Cinema Product's ad's, One of them "Stars" your sensor.


Eric Fletcher S.O.C.
St. Louis, MO