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The 3 Current HID players

I have now found 3 players in the HID (High Intensity Discharge) aftermarket
lighting, facts here only:

*  HELLA HID  (HID XSM) - Rallye 4000
Retail Price:  1400USD

Manufacturers Data:
Claimed Lumens Per Watt - Halogen (lmw) =  25 lmw
Claimed Lumens Per Watt - XSM  = 62.5
XSM vs Halogen lmw = 2.5:1
XSM watt bulb = 35w
Equivalent Halogen Wattage = 87.5w
STATUS:  Not currently available through dealer channels

*  KC HighLights (HID XSM) - 35w and 50w HID HiLights
Retail Price:  35w = 1479USD      50w = 1645USD

Manufacturers Data:
Claimed Lumens Per Watt - Halogen (lmw) =  26 lmw
Claimed Lumens Per Watt - XSM  = 100
XSM vs Halogen lmw = 3.85:1
XSM watt bulb = 35w, 50w
Equivalent Halogen Wattage = 134, 192
STATUS:  Stock Available as of 9-86

*  Osram 'Xenarc' (HID XSM) - 35w HID 'Xenarc' Light 
Retail Price:  N/A

Manufacturers Data:
Claimed Lumens Per Watt - Halogen (lmw) =  25 lmw
Claimed Lumens Per Watt - XSM  = 91 lmw
XSM vs Halogen lmw = 3.64:1
XSM watt bulb = 35w
Equivalent Halogen Wattage = 127.4
STATUS:  Not currently available through dealer channels

*  All data is Manufacturers Claims
*  All Manufacturers claim 2000 hour XSM bulb life (normal usage)
*  All Manufacturers claim 4-5000 hour XSM bulb life (continuous)
*  All lights are "dedicated" lighting systems, no "upgrades" are currently
available or planned
*  All lights use "Free Form" (reflection) technology, light controlled at
*  All manufacturers claim "shock-proof" bulbs (no filament),  race component
failure frequency (off road/road combined): 1) damage  2) electronics 3) bulb

