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re:'92 100S brakes

I had rotors and pads replaced for much less by local independent mechanics
in Sandusky, Ohio.  They have a source for Audi rotors that cuts the price
in half. $40-$50 per rotor for my 86 4kcsq. It was as cheap to replace them
as to turn them. The best thing about their garage is their parts connections.

 Call them about your '92. I'm giving you their phone number, and you can
deal with them directly. (419)625-7082   8:30am to 5pm, M-F.  They might
even dropship them to you. Eventually, they might deserve a place on the
approved roles of the list.

These guys are good...One of them (Eric) is an aviation mechanic. The other
one, (Tim) is the most talented
in dealing with customers. He listens and talks. Try to get Tim if you want
to arrange things your way. Eric is uncompromising, does it his way, and has
very rigid, high standards. Really would rather not deal with customers, I
think. They are usually booked a week in advance. 

 I don't want in the middle, and have no interest in this garage except to
continue to get their services at the excellent prices I have been enjoying.
Maybe some of you will drive a long way to get your cars fixed, for the same


At 04:34 PM 1/28/97 EDT, you wrote:
>> Anyone with a '92 or newer 100 (or A6 with V-6?) replaced their brakes? If
>> so, how much was it? Did you put OEM parts in? From the dealer? Or did you
>> put in some aftermarket parts, and if so, where from, and how much?
>I recently replaced the rear pads on my '93 100CSQ at about the 88K mile mark.
>The fronts were fine (they must have been replaced at some point) so I 
>didn't mess with them.
>> New front rotors: $119.00
>> New rear rotors: $ 67.00
>I couldn't find rotors this cheap, either from the dealer or a local 
>import parts place.  I ended up having them turned instead.
>> New front pads: $111.00
>> New rear pads: $74.00
>This sounds about right.  The dealer was cheaper than the import parts place.
>> The rest is labor; he said roughly 4 hours or so. This seems long to me...
>> an hour for each wheel? Come on... is this rocket science, or what? I don't
>> think this guy really knew what he was talking about...
>The job wasn't too hard, and I didn't have a manual.  It took me about 45 min
>a side.  The problem I had was that I couldn't get the piston to compress back
>into the caliper.  I ended up removing the caliper and disassembling it on
>the bench to see how it works.  The piston is connected to a course threaded
>rod, and is simply screwed back in.  At least that's what I did on the bench.
>When I tried this on the other side, it spun but didn't go back in.  I ended
>up removing this one, too, and then it threaded back in.  It took me a while
>to bleed the brakes, but then I figure that most of the brake fluid was
>changed in the process!
>I'm still not sure what the trick is to screwing the piston back in...