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Re: Audi of America Dream Lineup

Dream is the operative word.  You've just spec'd  some three dozen different
body style/engine combinations.  and that doesn't include the option of
slush vs. tiptronic vs. manual.  (BMW has maybe half that many).  Ain't
gonna happen that way.  Given that these models would be unique to the N.
American market, Audi's current sales levels in N. America, they'll never
get the cost-volume curve to where it needs to be on any of the models you
suggest  (in other words, there won't even be a profit on the "main" models
to subsidize the image models).  Federalizing an engine isn't trivial
(though probably not as big a deal as they'd have us believe).  I think this
is a case of pick your battles, one or two at a time; can't win the the
whole war at once.

At 08:11 PM 1/27/97 -0500, George S Achorn III wrote:
>	Before I get off the subject let me get back on my original thread. Here
>is my idea of what Audi should sell in the US market and never mind what
>they say about not being able to sell Americans hatchbacks.
* linus toy                       email:  linust@mindspring.com      *
* mercer island, wa                                                  *
*                                                                    *
*             The obscure we eventually see,                         *
*             the completely obvious, it seems, takes longer.        *
*                               - Edward R. Murrow                   *