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Re: Kudos-Bob Sharp

Derek Daily wrote:
> Re: Audi Motorsport '96 Planners
> Just received my copy in the mail, what a great little book!  As
> advertised, great pictures, stats, history.
> Now maybe if we all bug Robert enough he can get his hands on
> _this_year's books ;-)
> SquirleyD
> 86 VW Qtm Syn
> 98 A4tqw -OR- 99 VW Pst Syn
> P.S. Bob, the checks in the mail!

I second that! Thanks Bob!, great little book indeed!!!

Todd Candey                         The Composite Garage
271A Greenboro Ct.                       81 4k 5+5    
Elk Grove Village, IL                        85 4ksq
60007               USA                          89 90q