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8th Wonder of the World
Flew to St. Louis today for the Euro light / many other parts put
on job. Enjoyed a wonderful afternoon at Randall M's garage watching
STEADIRIC take the front end of my car off:) Thanks guys, it was great
to put faces with names on the list.
Now, I don't want to generate another string of euro v. better /
worse lights posts here, cause, frankly, the last one gave me a
headache. But, having driven for about 3 hours in the dark / slight fog
in places, I can only say one thing about this euro 20/90/130 setup:
Unf*ckingbelievable. On low, it looked like the Audi brights that should
have been sold from the factory in the US. On high, well, it will peel
paint off the ass of a caddy at 40 car lengths. Frankly, if you want to
search the interior of the car in front of you without leaving your car,
get these lights!
Thanks Eric, as always, wonderful job.