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Re: quattro-digest V4 #218
> Please help......
> I made a short drive (about 30 miles) today. All was normal. I stopped
> the car and went into an office for about 20 minutes. When I came out
> started the car....
> WEIRDNESS! The engine will rev up to about 3000 on its own and the drop
> back down to idle. It does this continuously. When I drive the surging
> continues if my R.P.M. are under 3000. Above 3000 everything seems
> I have a 1987 Coupe GT with the normally aspirated 2.3l NG motor. I have
> tried removing the connectors from the engine temp sender and the O2
> sensor...no luck....
> Any ideas?
> Please e-mail me at jr@akamail.com or baselope@bellsouth.net.
> I cannot read the list while at work...to time consuming...and I am
> out of town, so the home computer is of no use right now....
> Thanks in advance....
> Justin
Please note that I forgot to mention that I had also disconnected the ISV
and the surging did not subside...in fact it went to a higher RPM. So I
assume it is working as it is supposed to. Also...I went out and started
the car this morning and the problem had dissappeared. Totally