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Re: Leak to Right Rear Floor in '87 Coupe GT

>  have a major leak somewhere that is leaving a big puddle, nee a minor 
> lake, on the floor by my right rear passenger in my 1987 Audi Coupe GT. 
> Nothing else is wet. Not the upholstery, not the side panels, not the 
> roof panel. It collects during rain, and a friend thins it is a clogged 
> gutter that apparently helps drain water away from the sunroof... a 
> gutter that supposedly travels inside the body of the car.

This "gutter" is a tube that goes from every corner of the sunroof.
The tubes in front go to the front wheel wells and the tubes in the
rear go to the vents at the top of the rear quarter panels.

A tube could have been knocked loose at either end enabling water to
leak inside, the rear window could have a leak, or a plug in the body
someplace could have rotted or been damaged and be allowing water to
come in.

This calls for some ingenuity!  Put plastic on the floor.  Does the puddle
collect on top of the plastic or under it?  Remove the carpeting, then the
back seat bottom, then the interior side panel, etc. until you can see where
it is coming from.  Have a friend help with a hose if it does not rain

Don Hoefer
'82 Coupe